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September's Tip.

Hannah Walker

11 Sept 2024

Protect your Energy.

Why is it important to protect your energy?


Protecting your energy is so important. It’s a way to safeguard your emotional and mental reserves so that later down the line you can keep yourself motivated and moving forwards. You need to recognise that your needs are just as important, if not more than everybody else’s. As the saying goes ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’. Protecting your energy may help you work more sustainable over a period of time. Your energy is like a suit of armour, keep your armour intact.


I’ve listed some ways below you can help protect your energy.

Tips on how to protect your energy.


1.     Create a sanctuary for yourself. Declutter your space.

2.     Limit distractions.

3.     Keep healthy boundaries with people.

4.     Energy exchange not everything should be take take take

5.     Exercise regularly.

6.     Get out in nature.

7.     Meditation, clear your mind so that you can focus on finding the good in your life.

8.     Practice self-care.

9.     Take regular breaks when you can, you deserve it.

10.  Sleep routine – Get regular and adequate sleep.


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